How to take part in Hunger Action Month

Food Bank rallies community this September as part of national campaign

LARIMER COUNTY — The Food Bank for Larimer County is taking part in Hunger Action Month this September to spread awareness about local food insecurity and empower community members to participate in acts to help end hunger. These acts include donating, advocating, volunteering or information sharing.

Hunger Action Month is a national initiative spurred by Feeding America. The Food Bank is a network partner of Feeding America, which provides food to tens of millions of people experiencing food insecurity through a network of food banks, statewide food bank associations, food pantries and meals programs.

“We can end hunger in the U.S. when we decide to work together with coordinated action and a shared belief that everyone deserves fresh, nutritious food,” said Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, CEO of Feeding America. “This year during Hunger Action Month, we are encouraging everyone to take action. Raise your voice. Volunteer. Donate. Our individual actions may seem small, but together they become a powerful movement that can change history.”

Across the nation, food banks are experiencing more pressure as demand rises, while food and transportation costs increase. At the Food Bank for Larimer County, there’s been a more than 36% increase in the number of individuals served in the last year at its no cost markets. Through its community partners and programs, the Food Bank serves more than 50,000 people facing food insecurity, including more than 14,000 children. Its efforts, in the last year alone, provided enough food for more than 10.2 million meals.

“Food insecurity is not a personal failing. Anyone can find themselves in a position where they need a resource to get food,” said Food Bank for Larimer County CEO Amy Pezzani. “Making even one effort for Hunger Action Month is an act kindness that can provide a nourishing meal to those we serve.”

There are many local ways people can take action this September to support the Food Bank’s efforts to fight hunger.

Learn about the Food Bank in an interactive tour — To mark Hunger Action Month and commemorate its 40th anniversary, the Food Bank is hosting an interactive tour at its headquarters. The tour takes place from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 5706 Wright Drive in Loveland.

The tour will dive into the Food Bank’s history and provide a broader understanding of logistical efforts to get food out to the community. The tour includes treats, prizes and a scavenger hunt. While there is no cost to participate in the tour, an RSVP is required. Details can be found here:

Volunteer — Volunteering with the Food Bank provides an immediate impact in helping to fight hunger. The Food Bank always has a variety of volunteer roles open, from helping to stock the shelves of no-cost markets to working one-on-one with clients to hand out food. In the last fiscal year alone, volunteers helped defer more than $2 million in labor costs. To volunteer:

Become a monthly donor through Feeding us Forward — Feeding us Forward is an opportunity to set up a recurring donation to benefit the Food Bank’s hunger relief programs. Every contribution makes a difference in helping to fight hunger. More information can be found here:

Host a work or neighborhood food drive — Hosting a food or fund drive helps bring in some of the Food Bank’s most needed items for distribution. More information:

For more inspiration, find details at the Food Bank’s Hunger Action Month webpage: